How Many Masks Are You Wearing (aren't you tired?)
Noticing my hand visibly trembling, I gripped my pen and squeezed. I could feel my chest pounding, too. A bead of sweat plingo-ed down my spine.
Using my periphery, I strained to catch any sign that the person next to me at the boardroom table noticed my body language.
I adjusted my position in ...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Cold Full Moon: Keep Your Guard UP!
I've braced myself for panicked phone calls, emergency texts, and disappearing clients.
I see an uptick in relapses in my clients every time a full moon hits on a weekend. Don't be a part of this statistic.
The Cold Full Moon is approaching, reaching its peak on December 15th, and with it comes ...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Tantra Over Tina: Rediscovering Sex and Intimacy
When Tina spit me out on the other side of active addiction, I felt gutted.
Emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally, financially, and especially sexually.
I was the husk of the man I was, completely hollowed out as if by a gigantic excavator that carried my identity away.
My entire beingn...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Recovery Begins (and ends) with the Tongue
Stop going to meetings. Don't call your sponsor. Fire your therapist and coach. Burn your gratitude lists. Put down the book and scroll on your phone. Throw away your journal.
None of your recovery efforts matter if you perceive and speak through a negative filter.
You think the circumstances of...
Dec 28, 2024
Creative Expression in Recovery
The day of my last 'job' as a sex worker.
I drove home to a house full of unpacked moving boxes.
Standing there, my body seemed to deflate in relief.
I did it.
Four months prior, I got out of jail, homeless, and began my sober journey.
The kids and I needed a home. With an eviction and four felo...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Let's Add Altitude to Your Gratitude
Who was the person who introduced you to crystal meth?
I'll bet every detail surrounding those circumstances is permanently etched into your memory bank.
I've re-lived that faithful Sunday afternoon so many times.
What if I had said no?
What if I hadn't been on Grindr?
What if I had sought help ...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Be a Freak between the Sheets (Safely)
Just because you use meth doesn't mean you have to look like it.
(Some sage advice I received from one of my first parTy buddies.)
He took me under his wing as a new Tina inductee, giving me a list of tips and tricks to keep my appearance and health in check.
He helped me expand my mobile "Whore...
Dec 28, 2024
No Such Thing as Self-Sabotage
"We'd like to offer you $120,000 in annual salary. Let us know what you think!"
My phone dropped out of my hand and onto my lap. My jaw was stuck open. I'm not sure if I took a breath for a few minutes.
Was this really happening? Was it time for me to stop struggling financially and live the lif...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
No Experience Is a Bad Experience
What do you want out of life?
Is your current goal to stop using crystal meth?
Well, that isn't enough.
Anyone can stop using drugs. But not everyone transmutes that dark experience into the light of human potential.
Every single experience in our life is an opportunity to evolve. We can choose ...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
Discipline is NOT Punishment (but is required to get sober)
Hey beautiful souls,
I've been thinking a lot about what makes recovery stick – what transforms it from a daily struggle into something that feels more natural and sustainable.
The answer keeps coming back to one word:Â discipline.
Before you roll your eyes (like I used to), let's talk about what...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
recovery discipline
Does Jesus Love Gay Meth Addicts
The fear of Jesus led me to plan my suicide.
The fear of Jesus also kept me from implementing said plan.
I wanted to kill myself and end the crushing guilt of who I was, but if I ended my life, he would sentence me to eternal hell. What a catch-22.
As any gay boy growing up with a conservative Ch...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
The Blueprint for Creating Your (Recovery) Reality in 7 Steps
Standing in a line of in-mates for my breakfast.
Being my fourth visit to the county detention center, the routine was familiar.
The day after my 42nd birthday.
This couldn't be my life. How did I end up here when only three years prior, I was an executive and college professor?
But why does thi...
by Dr. Dallas Bragg —
Dec 28, 2024
addiction recovery
blueprinting recovery